Apex Trader Funding

Current Deal: 90% Off All Evaluations

  • Promo Code: MZZDYPOW

  • 71% off first month and future months

  • 50% off Resets

  • As many evaluations as you need using this discount code

  • Up to 20 PA funded accounts allowed

  • Visit Apex Trader Funding Website

Apex $100 Million in Payouts Celebration Sale

Check out this video message and CRAZY Offer from CEO Darrell Martin.

Requirements for 1 Day Pass Promotion:

- Accounts need to be traded during the active promotion.
- Accounts still require profit goal.
- If account reached profit goal prior to promotion and was not traded during the active promotion, it will NOT apply.
- Flipping one contract in EVAL accounts during promotion for the trading day is ALLOWED.
- Promotion does NOT exclusively apply to accounts purchased during promotion only.
- Promotion DOES apply to accounts purchased prior to the promotion.
- Once the promotion is over and account did not reach profit goal, minimum trading days required go back to 7 trading days.
- If account has already reached "PASSED" status and was continued to be traded after promotion has ended, the promotion will NO longer apply.

Take advantage of this limited time 90% discount offer using code: MZZDYPOW at checkout.